Baby #2 - Kaelin Deborah - Is already over 6 months old. I can't believe it. Over the last few months, I have realized there are new and different things we used for her that we didn't for are a few that we LOVED. I wonder why we didn't use them in the first place!?!!
1. Swaddle blankets.
Seriously, whoever decided they'd make these was a genius. I know some people think it's a waste of money and that they can just use a normal blanket. Not I. I was such a dork when it came to swaddling. I had the nurses give me instructions more than once when I had Lauren...for a month I struggled to swaddle her, only for her to get her arms loose, fuss or kick clear out of it. I gave up. Little miss Kaelin was swaddled in her special swaddle blankets and they were so handy for changing diapers especially in the middle of the night. I could just un-velcro the mid section and slip her feet out, change the diaper and slip her back into it. No unwrapping, no wrapping back up. In out, fed and back to sleep.
2. Mobile
Now with Lauren..she had a little glow seahorse that would play several tunes and seemed to work okay for awhile. It has been 4 months now and Kaelin is still not tired of her mobile. It is the best thing.
Kevin and I would hold and rock Lauren to sleep every night until she was about 10 months old. That made for a very hard transition for all of us when it was time for sleep training. I started off Kaelin at 2 months old, letting her soothe herself and fall asleep on her own with the help of the music and mobile.
3. Mustela Facial Cleansing Cloths
Let's face it, we don't bathe our kids EVERY single day. Well some of you may do this. I find it quite pointless unless they've been rolling around in the dirt or rubbing mac and cheese in their hair. I just don't find it necessary to give the girls a bath everyday. God made dirt. Dirt don't hurt is my motto. On those days when bath time is not on the list of things to do, I love to use these Mustela Facial Cleansing wipes and give the girls a swift wipe down. They smell great too!! At first the smell is a little "old lady perfumish" but once on the body smells much better. I feel like the girls smell clean, are actually clean and we didn't have to go through the hassle of bathtime. Win.
4. Cool Mist Vaporizer
We had a warm mist and it began to grow mold. YUCK! It started to grow a blackish colored mold on the motor part, underneath the vents where the water shot out. Seriously, that can't be healthy. I use the vaporizer to try and clear up my kids congestion, not make them more sick because of mold. Not to mention, the risk of burn. Lauren burned her hands the other day by walking up to it putting her hands over the hot steam. Not fun.
So after dealing with Kaelin's congestion for the last week, I decided to splurge on a Vick's Ultrasonic Cool Mist Vaporizer. Kaelin seems to be doing much better already. I love it and I don't die of heat and feel like I'm sleeping in a sauna every night!
That is about all I can think of right now. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Hello world!
1 year ago
I totally agree about the cool mist humidifier. I was completely grossed out with all the mold I kept finding. I would clean and scour and then it would come back. Yuck!!
I LOVE our cool mist humidifier, it really helps Brayden when he is sick. I might have to try those wipes! Brayden loves bath time, and 9 times out of 10, he has one every night just for the fun of it. I may change my tune when I am getting big and pregnant!
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