Sunday, March 6, 2011

I thought I was missing Kansas...

Lately I have been saying that I really miss Kansas.  I would be asked why and my answers made me really think.  It was not Kansas that I was missing but everything that Kansas symbolized to me. 
Kansas was where Kevin, Lauren and I became a family.  Kansas was home.  

"Home is where the Army sends us." 

Kansas was where I had the deepest, darkest saddest time of my life to date.  
Kansas is where my husband held my hand as I told the doctor I needed to talk to someone about how I was feeling.  
Kansas is where I got better and learned to love life and love myself and explore new adventures with my family.  
Kansas is where I fell in love with Kevin all over again.  It is where I really took note of the amazing husband and father and soldier that he really is.  
Kansas is where I met some amazing friends.  There is nothing quite like your fellow military wives.  As the saying goes "Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold"
My Battle Buddies were women that I could go to that had, between them all, experienced pretty much everything that I was worried, scared, nervous about. 
Kansas is where we welcome our sweet, Kaelin to our family. 
 Kansas was where Kevin and I first relied completely on each other to make this marriage, family life, army life, work.  We only had each other.  Our love grew stronger and stronger.  
It is still growing stronger and strong every single day that we are apart.  

So I really didn't miss Kansas...well I shouldn't say that.  The Flint Hills are so beautiful.  
I just really miss our whole family unit being together.  I miss hearing the car door shutting and the sound of the keys in the door and Lauren running towards the door for her dad.  I miss the sound of my blackberry messenger on the phone.  I always knew it was Kevin texting, he was the only one who would bbm me.  I miss making dinner together, getting excited to eat at our favorite places, weekend road trips to Kansas City, good night kisses, good morning kisses.  I just miss Kevin.

Not Kansas....


Julie S.

Aww, you are being so strong for your girls! I can't imagine what you are going through, but you are in my thoughts!