*On Friday, Lauren and I both had doctor appointments. I had an ultrasound to determine a dute date and Lauren her 6 month well check and immunizations. She once again did amazing! Lauren also got to see her new little brother/sister wiggling around. He/she is due to make their debut on or around September 18th!
I want to thank my mom and sister Stephanie for making the trip to come with me to our appointments because Kevin has a training that he cannot leave until the 26th. They have been a tremendous help. Lauren loves snuggling with the both of them and will miss them dearly. Luckily she will get to see Grandma and Grandpa at Easter.
*Saturday we got close to 5 inches of snow with freezing rain and frigid temps. Kind of a bummer since Thursday it was sunny at almost 70 degrees. Oh Kansas, you have crazier weather than Illinois! I'm sure within this month, we'll see rain, snow, crazy winds an tornados. In Minnesota, they had 4 definate seasons. It was so beautiful.
*Luckily, by Sunday it was pretty much all melted! Lauren and I have been hanging out pretty much by ourselves since March 7th. Kevin has not had a day off since then. He is currently at a course that he has to complete to get his promotion. We were lucky to see him every evening for a few hours though. That will not be the case this coming week.
*Today, Kevin left at 4am and will not be home until late on Thursday night. I know they will be out in the field. What does that mean? I have no clue. I am so new to this Army wife thing. I feel like a big dork when people ask me what my husband does and what unit/team..he is in. I have no idea!! I feel sometimes like I don't belong. I know it will get easier with time, and with time I will learn more about what he does. As for the nights alone, I wonder if I should just get used to it, afterall, there might be a deployment in the future! Especially if Kevin plans on staying in until retirement. I am just happy knowing that my husband is happy again. I see that he really enjoys his job and he has said that "it feels like he had never left". No questions asked, he is my hero!
**I need a hobby though..... new to being a stay at home mom, in a new town. No friends, no co-workers, no family, no church, arrghhh!!! There are only so many times I can vaccuum the house.
Hello world!
1 year ago
That's my birthday!!! You are awesome and will adjust soon! Best of luck and give that baby a big hug for me!
Thanks Kate, you have always been an awesome support this last year!
Aw Kris this post makes me miss you! I wish I was there to hang out with you. Though Dave isn't gone overnight, he has so much homework that often times I am left wondering what I should be doing...I feel like I should stay home with him cause he is here, but mentally he is on his little chemistry and food science planet :)
Sometimes you can find moms groups on craigslist or just start googling churches there and trying some out. There is bound to be a christian based moms group somewhere.
As far as hobbies goes....if I had more freetime I would probably do some of the following: scrapbooking (which would include taking more pics), sewing...you can find cheap sewing machines on garage sales or craigslist....tons of tutorials online, and start with simple things like pillows etc, excercise, jewelry making also isn't too hard and fun :) Everything of course is always more fun with a friend and after being here for a few years I finally realized that I can't really become friends with anyone unless I stop hiding at home which is what I was doing...and surprisingly I started making more friends once I ventured out :) It was scary for me...felt kinda like the first day of highschool...what lunch table do I sit at :)
Now had I never made friends with you and many others and sat at your lunch table eventually the grapes of wrath never would have been born, and months of laughter would have never existed!
I found that since Dave and I got married he became my safety net...I always have him to talk to as long as he is with me....but if he is always with me I never talk to others. I realized how much more confident I used to be before we were married...not that he made me into a bad person, but I allowed myself to hide behind him not walk beside me, and so I am striving to walk next to him now. To be independent, yet still his co-pilot. Hopefully that doesn't sound too stupid :) N e ways..hope this helps! Love ya to bits!
I totally understand the need for a hobby! Which is why we have way too many cookies and stuff around here these days. But now I am sort of into crocheting (as old-lady as that may seem!). Hope you meet some real good friends soon! Do you have Mums and Tots groups or that sort of thing there? I started going to one here with ladies from a nearby church and I love it! It really helped with meeting new people that are at the same stage of life as me.
Glad to hear everything is going well for Lauren and the newest addition to your family! :)
If I had a ton of spare time, I would definitely be taking more pictures, scrapbooking more, etc. What about finding a little gym class for you and Lauren? A friend of mine does those and loves them! Also, going to the local library could be fun!
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