I woke up to pee and can't get back to sleep!!! It's now been about an hour. I might as well just stay up now. Kevin's alarm just went off. I need to get ready and be on the road at 7:15am. Lauren and I have an appointment to tour the daycare facility on post that she will occasionally be going to. I have really just been up thinking about how worried I am to take her! I know they are all licensed and trained professionals, it's just that she has never been left with anyone but family! I know I must get over this hurdle if I plan on going back to work...just right now it totally sucks! I have to do it though. The hospital set up a new policy that children under 13 cannot attend appointments (unless the appt. is for the child) ...unless there is another "chaperone" present. Usually Kevin attends my OB appts. with me but this week he is going to the promotion board and next week, I just have to meet with my Dr. for a blood pressure check, and then the 25th for our ultrasound.
I'm sure my blood pressure will be high because of my nerves..so so much for the check up!
Thursday morning.. I am attending a bible study at church with the other military wives of the congregation. I hate going alone into new situations, but if I want to meet anyone and have friends eventually, then I will just have to suck it up. They also invited me to a brunch on Saturday. I think Lauren and I will be going to that while we let Kevin golf for the first time this season. Oh, there will also be a nursery/childcare at the bible study too..so maybe it will be kind of a dress rehearsal to Thursday afternoon. At the church I will only be a room away, so that gives me comfort. The hospital to the CDC (child development center) is 8 min. Add in the time to get from the office to my car...5 min. So approx. 15 minutes away! Yes, I am a dork, I figured this out before we left post yesterday.
Well...I better get my butt up and ready. Tasty Tuesday to come later.
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