Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Sorry our blogging has been long overdue. We currently do not have internet at home, so I only get online if I have a chance to run to the public library or bring my laptop to work and use while on break.

I'm sure most of you have heard the news by now...but I am pregnant. I am due August 26. Quite the surprise for Kevin and I. We were very nervous at first but gradually getting super excited. This of course was not exactly in our plans...but God had greater plans for us. According to the Dr. We conceived on the wedding night or a few nights following. How comical is that?! It is a miracle though. About 2 years ago I was having a lot of problems and was never ovulating. They wanted to put me on birth control to manage the symptoms, but I opted not too. They told me to just come back when it was time to want babies and we'd talk options. So we are very very thankful for this blessing.
I am going through so many changes and I feel completely clueless. It's been wonderful to get advice from Amy and also to compare these feelings with Karla.

We haven't decided yet if we want to know the sex. Part of me wants to wait and let it be a surprise..but the other part of me is so anxious.
Just keep us in your prayers and we will try to keep everyone updated



yay!!!!!! I am so happy for you two. You are just going to LOVE being a mom. It's the greatest ever! I have to say, I totally wanted to find out what we were having. It was awesome being able to figure out the name ahead of time and to start calling him by his name. I think I would have gone crazy not finding out! Anyway, congratulations!!

♥ Craig & Jessica ♥

I too am happy for you! I am SO glad that God is blessing you with this little one! There will be quite a few little cousins to play together!!!

We did find out the sex of all our babies...I really liked knowing! It helped me in the planning and getting ready.

I am glad you feel so good! I can't wait to see you and hug you this weekend!!!


Congratulations Kristen and Kevin! Very exciting news!


CONGRATULATIONS! We are so very happy for you. Just when you think you know what love is..... it all changes. It gets even better and you never thought it possible. Enjoy every minute as they do go quickly. With Love,
Mark and Sandi Kemerling


This is the best surprise EVER!! I just wish you lived closer to all of us. We do love and miss you!