Friday, October 7, 2011

Slightly mortified...

I didn't think I'd start this early being embarrassed by what my children say.    Lauren is an early talker and quite the gifted gabber.   I guess she gets that from me.    This afternoon I dropped her off at a friends house while I took Kaelin to an appointment.    When I returned to pick her her up she was walking around with the fly swatter saying "Trouble, Lauren Trouble".    I asked her what she was saying and she brought me the fly swatter and said "Trouble, Lauren Trouble"    I corrected her and said "No, it's a fly swatter" but she insisted on calling it "trouble".  Slightly mortified, my two year old was making me sound like I beat her with the fly swatter when she was in trouble!!  I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.    Although embarrassed by her choice of words, and baffled because I'm not sure where she got her choice of words, I laughed.    I have let her play with our fly swatter before and chase around the flies, but never once punished her with it or referred to it as something she would associate with trouble. was embarrassing but I guess it could have been a lot worse and instead of saying it at a friends house, I guess it could have been at the doctor or daycare! HA!