Thursday, December 2, 2010

Lauren's first day...

Lauren had her first day at "school" today.  I was struggling with the fact of sending her somewhere for social interaction and to get her out of the house for a few hours each week, and what would break our bank.  I researched all daycare centers and I stumbled across Calvary Baptist Church.  I had attended CBC in 2007/2008 while living at my parents.  I found that they have a program called "Morning's out for Mom's".  It is two days a week for 3 hours in the morning.  The cost is the eqivalent of a day and a half at some of the other daycares in town.  It ends up being around $3.50 an hour.  That is totally affordable.  Not to mention, it gives me a bit of a break too.  I would have enrolled both girls but the limit the number of students that are able to enroll each school year.  I am very thankful that they had one opening up in Lauren's age group.  Here is a picture of my little cutie patootie, all bundled up and ready to go. 
I wasn't sure how my sweet munchkin would adjust.  With the exception of hourly daycare while I was at Dr's appts, back when she was only 6 to 8 months old...she has always stayed home with either myself or Kevin.  I dropped her off and she started playing right away.  She was introduced to some of the other little kiddos and she just smiled.  I ducked out of there fairly quickly.  I didn't want to make a big deal out of it.  I am not going to lie, my eyes filled up with tears as I walked down the hallway and out the door. 
When I picked her up, her teachers said that she did fabulous.  They had never had a child transition that well from staying at home to a social setting.  I am hoping that it wasn't just beginners luck!  I was worried about how she would do because she normally takes a mid morning nap and usually is pretty cranky until she gets one!  She must have been too busy and having too much fun to even think about naps.  She was asleep in the car before we had even made it a block down the road.  It was too adorable.  They wore her out!