Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Spaghetti face

Lauren: Summer 2010

Lauren: Summer 2011

"Allow children to be happy in their own way, for what better way will they find?"

I can't believe how much a year has changed Lauren Grace.  She is now 22 months old! Just 2 short months until she is 2years old.  It doesn't seem possible.  She is so intelligent and witty.  She always has me laughing (sometimes yelling).  She is talking up a storm. So much so, there is no need to even type what new words she is saying because she can repeat anything that is said to her.  She of course still says things with a toddler/baby way of saying them but articulation of her words will just take practice. She's lucky to have me as a mom..I LOVE to talk :)  
She has started to put together short sentences as well, which is a lot of fun.  I love our conversations!  

Lauren isn't too keen on sharing with her little sister.  I know it will get better as they both get a little older.  I am just tired of hearing "No Kaelin, mine Kaelin, Mom!!!" ...oh wait...that's not gonna stop for another 18 years is it?  :) 

Lauren loves being outside.  She enjoys playing with sidewalk chalk and going to the park.  
Lauren is great about naps and is slowly but surely getting rid of her morning nap.  Just depends on the day and how she feels. I honestly could care less if she continued to take a morning nap.  It gives me a little free time too!! :) 

She is just way too much fun.  Minus the occasional meltdowns, this has been my favorite state so far.  I love watching her learn and grow.  It truly is amazing!!





AHH!!! I love these pictures!! Isn't it fun (and sad) to look at the changes a year makes? I can't believe Lauren is almost 2! I loved that time with Maura but each point gets better and better! Wait til she's completely potty-trained and you are only changing one set of diapers....


I am so excited for you that your alone time is almost done!!!! Your girls are getting so gigantic! I can't wait to meet them some day :)