Monday, June 6, 2011


Kaelin is getting more and more of a personality these days. It's so fun to watch her change into more and more of a big girl.  She is recognizing when people call her name and starting to understand "no, no"

                        Kaelin is also teething. Her hands are constantly in her mouth!

 Unlike Kaelin, Lauren seems to have forgot how to smile when taking pictures. It is like pulling teeth to get her to smile anymore.  She is either making a weird face or running away from me. 

 Kaelin has been doing great since we made the switch to soy formula. No joke, the girl has gained about 2-3 lbs in the last month because she isn't throwing up half the bottle.  AND...we are slowly eliminating the number of bottles that she takes each day.  She has been going as long as 5-6 hours between bottles!  
Kaelin has also been dealing with seasonal allergies.  They aren't terrible, but enough that even a few minutes outside makes her sneeze, her nose run and for her breathing to become raspy and wheezy. 

 A rare, semi smiling picture of Lauren

Feeding her dolly.  She loves to play pretend and feed her baby dolls.  She is so cute. The other day she brought me a toy tea cup and said "Mommy, coffee" I said "mmmm" and she said "dishes"..which meant Delcicous!! This age is so fun!



Oh, the fabulous year of no smiling.....! Alex is in that right now. He sometimes will cheese at a fake camera, but he doesn't smile at the camera very often right now at all :( Cara just exited this stage, and she now cheeses up all the time!!!

Kaelin sure looks like Kevin in these pictures!! Both girls are so adorable!!!

Julie S.

Your girls are seriously so adorable!