Monday, June 13, 2011

Kaelin 9 months

9 months old already! This can't be?!  I cannot believe that my sweet baby girl will be 1 year old in just a few short months.  Kaelin develops her own little personality more and more everyday.  She is my loud child.  She doesn't hesitate to let you know when she wants something or if something is not right.  She and Lauren are starting to play together *sometimes*.  Most of the time, it is Kaelin who wants to play and Lauren who wants nothing to do with her.  One of these days I think Lauren will figure out she is fun to play with and not just the monster who steals her toys and pukes on them.
Yes, I said pukes.  Still at 9 months old, my daughter still spits up.  We've switched to soy and it has improved greatly, however she still spits up almost after every bottle.  I really think  she has some sort of reflux.  This issue has been mentioned to her pediatrician before as well and he just keeps saying that she will grow out of it.  Arghh.. I think it's time for a new pediatrician, but it's not worth the insurance hassle if the girls only have one more well check before we move back to Kansas this fall. 

Kaelin has started pulling herself up on furniture and walking around it. She is a pro.  Sometimes she forgets that she can't walk yet and will let go for a split second and the plop down on her bottom.

She LOVES bathtime.  She hates sleeping in her crib.  She will wake up every hour crying (even during naps) in her crib.  If she is in my comfy bed though, she sleeps all night long.  I know this is a habit I will have to eventually break, but right now I need my sleep.

Kaelin says "mama, dadda and hey/hi" .. It's so cute.

I wish she was walking. It'd make it a lot easier to play outside.  I don't have an issue with letting her play on the ground except she puts EVERYTHING in her mouth.  Makes it hard to be outside when I have to have her in a bouncer or sitting in the wagon.  I know she just wants to play with Lauren.  One of these days it will all work out.
She is just a sweet sweet blessing to our family.  A year and half ago, I was crying and frantic.  How was I going to have another baby when my other baby was only 4 months old at the time. Now, I can't imagine our lives without Kaelin Deborah.  What a beautiful blessing God gave to our family.

We love you Kaelin Deborah Erickson