Monday, August 9, 2010

Sleepy McSleeperton

Not only has sleep training been going really well at night, but we she is also been doing great at nap time too!  The last week she has put herself to sleep with very minimal or no fussing at all.  In fact, she is getting so good, she now falls asleep pretty much anywhere!  The floor, the couch, the high chair..we even have caught her laying her head down on the foot stool of our was as if she was trying to rock herself to sleep.  Some nights (and days), we can lay her down and not a peep with come out of her.  Others, just a few minutes of fussing or even just talking and then she is out like a light.  She has been sleeping about 10 hours on average too!  It has been great. 

It must be exhausting making a mess like that!  Poor thing definately inherited her butt and thighs from me :)
We kind of felt bad after the first week of trying this because we realized one day that her top teeth had popped through.  So, some of the tears and cries in the middle of the night may have been due to the teeth that we have been anxiously awaiting their arrival for 5 months now!  Yes, it has been 5 months since she got her bottom two teeth and she is just now getting her top ones.  They are so stinking cute though.  Take a look for yourself!

They are just poking through, but they will be in before we know it! 

Oh, and did I mention that we are BFF's?!  Yeah, pretty much most of the time unless she pees on me like she did last night while getting ready for her bath.  :)