Tuesday, August 17, 2010

One month to go!

Homestretch!  One month to go and Kevin will be gone for 3 1/2 weeks!  eek!  He is at the Joint Readiness Traning Center (JRTC) in Fort Polk, LA.  He will be there until Sept. 12 possibly.  They have said that they will send him home by Sept. 7th...but if there is anything that I have learned as an Army wife in the last 8 months, it is to not get my hopes up and to not make plans.  I will not make any plans or announcements of him being home until I get the phone call saying "My plane just landed"
I am just praying that this baby will be patient and wait for her daddy to be here before she makes her appearance.  I know if I go into labor on my own early, chances that any family or Kevin making it in for the birth are very slim.  I just don't want to be alone. 

Yesterday was a hard day for me and Lauren.  It was so hard to drop Kevin off at work knowing he would be gone for nearly a  month.  I suppose we are just taking baby steps to our big separation in November when he is deployed to Iraq for a year.  No time apart is easy, even just a few days or weeks. 
Yesterday was the first time that Lauren really has showed true sadness.  It broke my heart.  After Kevin kissed her goodbye and shut the door, she instantly started crying.  It was a very sad cry.  Not a throwing fit cry, or not feeling good cry.  A sad cry.  It was almost like she could sense that something was not right.  She loves her daddy so much! I wish everyone could witness the joy that I see when Kevin walks in the door each night and her face lights up.  It is pure happiness at its best. 
I can't explain the happiness that will be experienced after he gets home after these next few weeks...let alone after his year deployment!! 
Lauren and I took the time yesterday to just get our tears out and relax.  We ate junk food, and watched Curious George and Barney and just cuddled.  We ended up falling asleep on the couch together in the afternoon.  I slept for 2 hours and Lauren for 3!  It was just what the Dr. ordered.  We both woke up feeling great.  I had an amazing evening with Lauren, singing, dancing, laughing, playing etc.  And to top it off, she went to bed without even a fuss.  She couldn't make me more proud.
Here are a few videos from our evening.  Don't you just love her to pieces!?! I know we do!!



Yes we love her to pieces!! She has brought so much love and joy into our lives!!! Love the video's!
If you need me sooner - I will be there!!!!

Julie S.

Oh my goodness, I can't even imagine the position you are in. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers, and if you ever need to vent, feel free to email me! :) I am all ears.