Thursday, July 21, 2011

Ummm gross. Major mommy FAIL

So this morning started out as any other morning.  The girls had breakfast, were cleaned and dressed for the day and were playing together in the living room.  I decided to hop in the shower in the mean time.  I always keep the door part way open so the girls can come and go and so I can hear them.  I heard the door squeak open and I peaked out.  Kaelin had made her way down the hallway and into the bathroom, following the sound of the water I assume.  I didn't think anything of it, I was almost done showering.  Within the next minute though, I heard the sound of splashing water.  I peaked out to find her splashing her arms in the toilet.  YUCK.  To top it off, before I hopped in the shower, I had used the toilet and failed to FLUSH the stupid toilet. So my beautiful baby was playing in my pee.  NASTY.  Oh it gets better.  I freaked out and jumped out of the shower... Probably looking something like  that crazy lady above.  I was horrified to see as Kaelin turned around from my screams of "NO KAELIN" ..that she was playing with a squishy nerf ball that she had dipped in the toilet and then into her mouth.  This is where I began gagging.  Standing there dripping wet, soap in my hair/eyes, gagging, and screaming out of terror at my 10 month old.  My sweet baby just drank my pee water.  GROSS. NASTY. DISGUSTING.  Seriously?! Did I just allow this to happen?  I feel like a terrible parent.  I guess I've learned my lesson.  Never again will I "If it's yellow, let it mellow".  That rule doesn't apply with toddlers.  To top it off, in my freak out moment, I thought I had thrown the ball somewhere in the bathroom.  Turns out I just tossed it in the toilet and flushed.  I ended up elbow deep digging the stupid ball out of the toilet.  Oh man...  what a morning.  A nasty, gross, disgusting morning. Gag..


Christine Pettijohn

Oh man that does suck! I could see something like that happening to me. Hope your day gets better.

Julie S.

I love that you even shared this because it is a great reminder that sometimes, you just can't control everything! :)Way to roll with the punches (however disgusting they were!) Hope the rest of your day got better!!


This is a great glimpse into the life of a mommy! You gave me a great laugh...I can relate too!


Oh my goodness!! I know this was a terribly disgusting morning for you, but you just made me laugh!!! I am sure that we have all (or we will all) gone through this../or something similar.

Erica Smith

Oh my gosh!!! I have had moments like this. No one can prepare you for them---but you will never EVER forget them!