Monday, November 22, 2010

Kaelin 10 weeks

Wowza! My sweet baby Kaelin is 10 week already?!  Where did the time go?   I feel like a terrible mother for not updating very much in her first few months of life. 
Miss Kaelin is just growing leaps and bounds every day.  She is my little Miss Piggy.  She LOVES to eat.  She slept through the night from 9pm to 5am for the first time on Sunday night.  It was amazing.  It's just what I needed to get ready for my first fitness class in two years. 

Kaelin is smiling all of the time.  She has the most beautiful, infectious smile.  She has started to coo and it is absolutely adorable.  She isn't a big fan of tummy time and is usually screaming within a few minutes. 

I have no idea what she weighs or how long she is.  We are still working on switching over our insurance to this region and have yet to be assigned a primary care physician for the girls.  I faxed in our application last week and hopefully will be receiving that info soon so I can set up their well checks and immunizations.

Although I don't have an stats to share, I will share a few of my favorite pictures of my little munchkin. I just love her to pieces!

"Mini Sue Sylvester"

So stinkin' cute!

I love her beautiful smile and dimples!!