I have been super busy and neglected to update lately. As some of you know, Kevin and I have had A LOT going on this last week. In the last 10 days, we found out we had to move, found an affordable apartment, packed and moved (most of everything). It's been super hectic especially with the baby due in 16 days and working up until I deliver, especially now adding another $700 to our budget.
Last Wednesday I had my 37 week check. Everything was pretty normal. My BP was 102/72. I had only gain 3/10ths of a lb. in the last 2 weeks. From here on out, I will be seen for weekly checks. At this last check, I was not dilated or efaced at all! Man I am anxious! Maybe baby girl is just giving us time to get settled into our new place before she arrives!!
As far as how I am feeling...TIRED! Yet, I can't seem to sleep through the night because I have so many thoughts, ideas, concerns running through my mind. At church this week, Kevin's uncle Monty gave a great sermon about how God gives us the gift of too much sometimes, and how it's up to us to prioritize, delegate, and sometimes give some of this "stuff" up. Anyone who knows me well, knows that I am a control freak, sometimes borderline OCD. I want things to be done in a timely manner, organized and how I like it. I think within the last few weeks though, I have wound myself so tight trying to organize, plan, and get things just right..that if I do not begin to prioritize and only do the things that are important, delegate work to others and just let go of some of my anxiety and troubles then I might snap. It's very hard for me to do this, but Kevin has been very encouraging and already not even 24 hours after the sermon, has had to remind me about what Monty said. So, I will begin to take baby steps... I told Kevin that he could be in charge of laundry or dishes, and even though we are on a tight budget, I may only work 3 days this week, instead of my scheduled 4 days. I will just have to see how I feel as the week progresses.
I am sorry I do not have any images to upload this week. I have my 38 week check tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon. I will try to update as quickly as I can for everyone that follows.
I also just wanted to say thank you to everyone who helped us move on Sunday. We appreciate your hard work and are so thankful to have accomplished so much! It means so much to us that you took time out of your day off to help us out. We love you!
Hello world!
1 year ago
I am so proud of your courage in this tough time!!! You will be so glad to be settled into your new home before the baby comes! This will give you more relaxed time after! I can't wait to see pictures!
I feel your frustration on NOT dilating or getting any further these last few weeks!!! I am praying that they will go quickly for you!!!
Love you!
It was GREAT seeing you yesterday!
Okay my bags are packed so you can give us a call anytime!!
Love you!
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