Thursday, July 16, 2009

34 weeks

34 weeks Update.

Well well well...only 41 days til my due date. We are getting there! Only 24 more days at work til my due date...even better!!! Working in an office full of women can be very stressful ..then add pregnancy hormones on top of that, not cool sometimes. That's all I have to say about that...

I am feeling just OKAY. Not great, not terrible. Just kinda in between. I am very wore out at the end of the day and 3 out of the last 4 nights I have slept straight through except for the obvious pee breaks! I have been a little slow going in the mornings now, I set my alarm about ten minutes earlier because I have to first rock back and forth a few times to get out of bed, and then my muscles seem so stiff that I waddle to the bathroom. Next I stand there wondering... "bath or shower??!?!" "Either way I am going to have to somehow lift my leg over the side of the tub..which seems to be harder and even taller than usual nowadays" In the end shower usually wins on work days. Baths are saved for evenings and weekends when I have all the time in the world to try and lift myself back up out of the tub!

My stretch marks have far multiplied the 2 that I first recieved on my birthday almost one month ago. They have all managed so far to stay below the belly button region. I am hoping they stay there. However, I will be realistic and I know that I still have about 6 weeks left and my belly and baby are going to grow now more than ever!

On a super duper good note..our prayers were answered and we have a crib! My mom did a search on Craiglist and found a lady who was selling her Crib, the mattress, a high chair and a brand new booster seat (still in the box) for $120! Then my mom met with one of her friends who has a 2 year old little girl (Amanda) and they went through all of Ellie's clothes, and we have 3 rubber maid containers of clothes/socks and shoes all from 0-12 months! My mom was great to have sorted them out by size and will be sending them up with family who is visiting next monday so I can get the crib set up and clothes washed and put away! This will definately keep me busy while Kevin is away for 2 weeks with the National Guard.

Last but not least..I had to post this picture because it was so cute. This is Kevin's cousin Jessica's little boy Matthew. Although he looks unhappy in this picture...he sat quite contently with me, using my belly as his little chair for quite awhile. It was so cute!


Julie S.

You look great but I hear you on the tired thing!


I totally remember how awesome evening baths were when I was sooooo very pregnant. I don't really have time for them anymore...

I love the picture of you and Matthew. You look good with a baby!!!

♥ Craig & Jessica ♥

Matthew loves you!!!! He was so cute sitting on your tummy! I can't WAIT to meet your little one!

Your book is at my house!