Monday, March 5, 2012


This blog is feeling more like a burden than a blessing right now.  Part of me wants to just wipe it clean and start all over, this can be said with a lot of things in life right now.  I'm at a point where I'm trying find balance in my life, my home and my relationships.  Some things are going to get neglected and it's pretty obvious that this is one of the things that has been neglected.  I'm just feeling a little overwhelmed right now and keeping up on this blog is just one. more. thing. to think about... and I'm learning that it's okay to let some things go and I don't need to have a reason why.   It's not forever...but it might not be anytime soon.  You're lucky I didn't delete my facebook too, it's all just becoming too much, and I feel like people are losing grasp of what real communication and relationships are without blogs/facebook/twitter.  So maybe I'll be back tomorrow, maybe a year from now. Right now what's important is me, my husband and children..trying to find the balance and peace post deployment/pre cross country move.



Amen, Kristen!!

Christine Pettijohn

Sometimes it helps to take a break and come back later. I have taken a break from blogging due to problems it caused my family and being burnt out. I think it helps alot. Hope to read more in the future.



I understand your feelings there. Gabe and I are struggling with balance now that Lennon is here, I'm at work during the day, and he primarily works in the evening. I gave up my unlimited iPod touch access to Facebook and all things internet for Lent. I have to say, it's been a lot easier than I thought it'd be and so good for me, I think. I commend you for your decision about your blog and whatever else in your life that you're letting go! Happy Mommy=Happy Family! :)

Corrina Dea

You control the blog...the blog shouldn't control you. It should be something that you enjoy doing...not something you have to do. I have to admit that I'm addicted to it...checking it all the time...thinking I have to write something new...but then I have to remember back to why I started it...I wanted to have a collection of all the things I've made and done and do for my kiddos to have someday and God forbid something happens to me that my husband knows how to make all his favorite foods. Take some time away and shut that computer off and enjoy life...later on you can tell us about...

Julie S.

I totally understand. Good thing I had some drafted posts to schedule because this week, I just needed a break from it. :)


I get the same way with my blog. I take month-long breaks sometimes. I feel bad not posting, but I feel worse posting something that doesn't mean anything to me.

You'll get your groove back! Hope you and the fam are doing good :)