Kaelin puked on my computer and the keyboard does not work. Upon initial inspection by the PC guy, he said it does not seem "glitchy" and hopefully a new keyboard will do the trick. Can you believe they charge $90 for labor? That doesn't even cover the cost of the part. That will be at least another $60 on top of that. That is if that is the only problem. If any damage was done to the motherboard, the repair man told me that I would be better off just buying a new computer. UGH!!!! I am praying that it is only the keyboard. We JUST bought the computer last June. We opted not to get a warranty on it. Our renters insurance would cover us and buy me a brand new one, but the deductible is $500 and we only paid $575 after taxes. To me, it's just not worth the chance of our premium to go up for an extra $75.
Kevin has been busy and not around to talk to. I am not sure when he will be back either. So, if anything, this ended up being a good time to be without a computer to talk to him.
Currently I am using my mom's netbook while the girls are napping. It's so nice to have quiet time. I have the t.v. off, lights out and just peace and quiet. It's so nice!
I apologize for the lack of posts lately. I just haven't found the motivation to write about much of anything. It's hard when most of my thoughts are about wanting Kevin home. I stay busy throughout the day taking care of the girls and my evenings are spent at the gym. Nothing too exciting goes on around here. I am hoping that as the weather warms up, our activities will too, and thus give us something to actually blog about.
I hope everyone is doing well and staying warm. It looks as though we are going to get a few more inches of snow here in Illinois tonight. I hope it waits until after I go to the gym. I might not get to go this weekend and I would love to get a good strength training class in. I suppose I'll have to resort to the darn elliptical in the basement. Man, do I hate that thing!!
Hello world!
1 year ago