Miss Kaelin Deborah is 4 months old already! The time is flying by..and I hate to say it but I don't mind one bit! Every month that flies by is one more month closer to Kevin being home!
Kaelin is now rolling from back to belly and belly to back. She HATES being on her stomach and usually is fussing after just a few minutes. We started her on cereal a few days ago. We had tried several times before but she never would eat any and would just scream and it would all end up back in my face or hers. Something clicked last Saturday and she decided that cereal wasn't so bad, and that she wanted to roll all over the place. She also decided that she'd go back to sleeping through the night. For that I am truly thankful! Kaelin loves her big sister and is always smiling at her. They are going to be the best of friends.
I am not sure of her weight or height, but I know she has grown a ton in the last month! I weighed her on the scale with me and it seems she is around 15-16lbs. That's up 3-4lbs in just over a month. What a chunk!! We are a little off schedule with our well checks because of the move but we go at the beginning of February, so I will be able to update more on the girls then.
I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday.
Hello world!
1 year ago
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