Saturday, December 12, 2009

Follow The Yellow Brick Road....

And we're off to see the wizard! The wonderful wizard of ....Ft. Riley, Kansas. Kevin passed his physical for re-enlistment on Thursday and we will be relocating to Kansas! Kansas was NOT on our wish list but apparently there were not any openings at the posts that we wanted to be stationed. When Kevin was doing his paperwork, the guy (I'm sure he has some high rank, but I don't know!) ..said "Do you have a coin? Heads: Germany and Tails: Kansas"....Kevin's response was "It's got to be Kansas, My mother-in-law would kill me if we moved to Germany!" He loves you mom!

Kansas was quite a shock for us. We thought for sure we would atleast get somewhere on our wish list. So now we are back to square one looking at home/condo and townhome rentals that we like and can afford. You would think that every house would have a basement or storm cellar there but they don't! And we have found that the housing is about the same price as some of the rentals in the Seattle area but less square footage. Does that make any sense? I would have swore that Seattle would be more expensive to rent than Kansas!! Suprises all the time I suppose!

So right now we are working on getting things in order. I have put in my resignation at work. It went very well. It was very emotional for me to do. It was the first job where I really felt respected by my employer and they constantly praised me and saw me for the great Hygienist that I am! They had offered me a position with a raise and 2 days later I had to come back and give my resignation. I felt terrible. They were completely understanding of the situtation and said that I would leave with nothing less than a letter of recommendation and professional reference. That took a huge weight off my shoulders. It's always easy to put in resignation for somewhere you hate working but it's not so easy when it's somewhere you enjoy. I look forward to what God has planned for me and my career in the future!

Now...what I don't understand is why the government cut Military funding! That includes enlistment bonus'. Don't get me wrong. Money is not why Kevin is enlisting. He is enlisting because this is what he wants to do for his country, our country. But really... You enlist in the Military and you get a free t-shirt and a back pack with material on how to get in shape?! Makes no sense to me. Seems like there are trillions of dollars from this stimulus going to who knows where but all you can give the brave men and women who are enlisting and re enlisting is a free tshirt and backpack....hmmmmmm.

So.......Kevin leaves for Minneapolis on January 28th. There he will be swore in and then has 10 days to report to Ft. Riley, KS. He is planning on leaving as soon as he is swore in and driving to Kansas to get everything in order and find us a place to live so that Lauren and I can follow right behind only a few days to a week later!! We have found while looking that we are pretty centrally located for family and friends. We are now excited about our move and are anxious to see what God has planned for us in Oz..I mean Kansas :)


Julie S.

Best of luck with the move! I can't even imagine with a little one, but I know you guys will do just fine! At least its Kansas and not Nebraska! :) Just kidding!

♥ Craig & Jessica ♥

I am glad things are going well! We look forward to seeing pictures of your new place!

We loved the video of Lauren rolling over! She is getting SO big!


Yay for Kevin getting back in!!! You know, I don't think Kansas will be too bad. People I know there like it :) Things are always an adventure in the military. I'll have to email you and ge all the deatils!