Our beautiful Lauren is now 4 months old. I cannot believe how fast the time has flown by. She has been such a precious gift and we wouldn't have traded her for the world. It was One year ago this week that I found out that I was pregnant. It was quite a shocker to Kevin and I. 1. We weren't trying. 2. I was told that I may have trouble in the future conceiving and 3. It was only 1 month after our wedding day! We had a lot of mixed emotions when we first found out. Mostly I did...I was shocked, scared, angry. It took a few months for me to be really excited. Then I felt guilty for not being excited from the start. This little baby in my belly was a gift from God. A gift at one time I didn't know if I would ever get to enjoy. I have an amazing husband who supported me, pampered me, loved me unconditionally even when the stretchmarks reached from belly to boobs! Not a day went by that he didn't tell me that I was beautiful.
I just look at Lauren everyday and smile. She and Kevin are my everything!
Lauren's 4 month Stats:
Weight: 15 lbs 5 oz.
Height: 27 inches
Lauren can now roll from back to belly and belly to her back. She prefers to roll to her right side. She can now sit up supported just a little by her back. She has no problems keeping her head up and neck supported on her own. Lauren has been on cereal consistently for about a week now. She really likes banana's too!
Lauren is in the process of her first cold. She ran a 100 degree fever one week ago and we took her to the Dr. He said her ears and lungs were clear and that it was just a seasonal cold. We have just been trying to help her symptoms with Vick's Baby Rub and a humidifier. The booger sucker and saline drops have become our lifesaver!
Well..I hear the little munchkin stirring so I better head to check on her. I hope everyone had a blessed Holiday and Happy New Year!
Hello world!
1 year ago