Sunday, October 18, 2009

...insert post title here....

This morning my mind is just a blank. So please excuse the rather vague blog title. Please also forgive me for not updating as much as I should and for that fact could be updating. I have just spending all of my time with our sweet baby girl and when she is napping, I have been trying to keep up on housework, etc. Kevin has been gone for about a week and half now hauling beets (with the exception of 3 days when he was home because of bad weather). Lauren and I miss him tremendously! We had Kevin home on Wednesday & Thursday of this week and then he left again for drill at Camp Ripley. We are super excited to see him this afternoon...even if it is only for a few hours before he packs up and heads back to North Dakota to finish the beet harvest. Please pray for good weather, so the farmers can finish harvesting the crop and we can have daddy back!

Things are going to be especially crazy this week with Kevin gone because it is my first week back to work. Luckily Lauren's grandma Kathy & great grandma Ruth are helping us out this week. Lauren has spent a day or two with her Great Grandma and did great! I had said a few months back that we were going to try and have Kevin stay home with Lauren as a "stay at home dad"...after our unexpected move and an extra $750 dent in our budget because of it... we didn't think that would be possible. After some number crunching...we have determined that it will be possible atleast for a few months until we are on to our next adventure ( I will update you on this on a later post). Please pray that we can make it through this tight time and that God will provide our every need. I have faith!

Lately Kevin and I have been really watching what we eat. Before that literally meant watching the food go right into our mouths. Recently we have been very conscious about the calories/fat/fiber etc. I am happy to post that I have lost all 26lbs of baby my pants fit? NO. Apparently I have another 20lbs to go before I can bend over in my jeans without suffocating myself and ripping the butt out of them. Oh well..I needed to do it anyway! It is nice to be able to do this with Kevin. Even with him gone we still ask each other everyday what we had to eat and the nutritional value. It has become fun for us. Now I just wish it were nicer out so that we could go on walks together!

Lauren Updates: 7 weeks 2 days old

Weight: 12.6lbs (me weighing myself & then holding her & weighing again)

Length- not sure exactly but her 3-6 month onesies are getting too short to snap almost now too! She is going to be tall like her daddy

Lauren has now started "talking"...we just love listening to her little sounds. It's so cute.

Lauren also now follows moving things with her eyes and loves having her picture taken. All I have to do is get out my phone to take pictures and she starts smiling and looking up at it :)


Julie S.

Awww, what a cutie! Her 3-6 stuff is almost too small? Holy cow! Brayden is just now getting into 3-6 months clothes!


You know, we totally have big babies in our family!! Alex is now in 12-18 month clothes (at 7 months). It's pretty crazy.
Lauren is adorbale!!!