Thursday, December 30, 2010

Lauren 16 months

Lauren Grace - December 27, 2009
Lauren Grace - December 25, 2010

Lauren is a little spit fire.  She always is keeping me on my toes.  She has added a few more words to her vocabulary: "Papa" for my dad, ball, tickle tickle and Hi.  She loves to say Hi when people walk in the door or if we are in public.  She gets really excited if she hears the door opening and she has to run to the kitchen to see who is home.  She has been great with her little sister.  There is still some jealousy issues.  She doesn't always like to share, especially when it comes to sharing the bumbo chair.  Ever since we got it back out for Kaelin, Lauren has taken control of it.  She sits it over by her toy box and plays with all of her toys.  She is sweet most of the time with Kaelin.  She loves to give her kisses and hugs.  It's the most adorable little grin when she grabs Kaelin and squeezes her tight.  One of Lauren's new favorite things is tickling.  Not herself, although she does giggle quite a bit.  She loves to tickle other people. She loves to sneak up and tickle my toes.  Yesterday she was sitting with me on the couch.  Every so often, she'd reach behind me and say "tickle tickle" and tickle my back. She gets the biggest kick out of other people laughing.
Favorite foods include: Cheese, green beans, yogurt, eggs, fruit sticks, peaches, ravioli, corn, popcorn and anything that is on mommy's plate.  She eats all the time.  We don't always get to eat at the same time because of the baby.  So sometimes I have to eat, after I have let her down out of her chair.  She then likes to stand next to me, like a puppy and beg for more food.  Lauren drank her first glass (1/2 glass) of juice the other day without spitting it out.  She still doesn't seem very interested in it though.  I tried giving it to her again and she had one sip and shook her head "no". 
Oh well...Well that's about it for the updating for now.  Time to get lunch ready for the kiddos!



Wow! Lauren is just beautiful!!! I have a lot of blogging to catch up on, but I just had to comment here first and say how adorable that little girl is :)

Cara had issues sharing the bumbo also....although Alex's legs were too fat to really be able to use it after awhile....then the cat peed in it. Gross.