Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts

Monday, September 17, 2012

Weekly Weigh-In 210.2

So today is my first Monday weigh-in.  I have to say already that I like it better than Friday weigh-ins even if my weekend habits weren't exactly the best.  This week I made it to the gym on 4/7 days.  I am happy with that. 

On Friday I made a huge accomplishment (for me)  and ran a mile without stopping.  This may not seem like a lot to some of you but when I started back in June, I could only run 30 seconds at a time before having to walk.  So, running for 13 min 30 seconds was HUGE for me.  It was more of a jog but still I did not walk.  I woke up yesterday morning, however, with the worst knee pain.  I could bend my knee but extending it back out was very painful.  It was weird because I was fine on Saturday and then Sunday morning is when it began hurting.  I am wondering if I just over stressed my knees because they weren't used to running that long. 

See, I have slowly worked my way up to that long but not at a gradual pace.  Before I ran the full 13:30 the most I had done was 7 minutes.  Maybe my knees were just shot, maybe I need new shoes, or maybe I need to work on my stride and how my feet push off.  Kevin's already corrected me on that and when I push off correctly it feels good but I can't keep it going for very long without getting shin splits and I feel like I'm running on my tippy toes. 

I went to the gym yesterday and tried to run again and after about 4 minutes my knee was done for.  I still did intervals of walking/running and finished the mile in 15 minutes which wasn't bad for stopping 3 times to walk.  After that I did a 5.5mile bike ride and called it a day.  I could barely get down the stairs to leave the gym and stepping up into the Expedition was not fun! 
I took some Ibuprofen last night and called it a day. 

This week my goals are to find other ways to get my heart rate going without straining my knee.  I am doing to do more elliptical and bike, and maybe take a stab at the row machine. 

I am also going to try to do THIS  arm challenge via Skinny Ms. Fitness.  Who is with me?? 

Starting weight:  222
Today's weight:  210.2
Total lost:           11.8
Goal               :   170
Need to lose    :   40.2

Monday, September 10, 2012

Selectively Lazy

I have been slacking off greatly with this blog lately and honestly I am just not into it as much as I used to be when Lauren was a baby.  My life has been much busier with two toddlers and quite frankly I enjoy my time just loafing on the couch when I do have some free time.  So to say that I have been "selectively lazy" with certain things in my life would be a true statement.  Also, I feel like 95% of my readers are already friends with me on Facebook.  Therefore, they've already seen the pictures, status updates, and funny quotes from the kids.  I feel redundant when I come on here and writing once again about what we've been up to. 

As far as my weight loss, it's has it's ups and downs.  It's different not having the "in person" accountability during my first weight loss journey last year.  Also, my cousin Annette who is also my accountability partner is my facebook friend and we message back and forth on there.  She has requested though that I keep up my blog as well and I am going to try my best to do so!!  Another change I am making is what day of the week I will have be my weigh in.  I have been blogging my weigh-ins on Fridays but that just isn't working for me.  I feel like I work really well Monday-Thursday and then weigh in on Friday and let loose on the weekend, then what happens is I gain 1-2+lbs back over the weekend and come Monday morning I am disappointed because I have to lose that weight PLUS the 1-2lbs a week that I am wanting to lose for my goal that week anyway.  So Fridays are no more and Mondays will be my new weigh-in day.  It's when I weighed in last year and it worked well for me.  I love starting out the week with a bang and a goal to work for and I feel like this will help me stay more on track on the weekends as well.

Food:  Oh Food.  I have come to realize that I have a very bad relationship with food.  I LOVE food.  I swear if I didn't love food so much, I'd have lost 3x the amount of weight.  My goals from now on are to eat to survive.  Right now, I eat out of boredom, eat to celebrate, eat when I'm stressed, etc.  You get the picture. This is especially true on the weekends when Kevin is home, because he loves food more than me!  The thing with him though is that he workouts out everyday at work and it doesn't affect him as much as it does me. 

SO today, I am starting fresh.  I am going to be 100% honest on here from now on and I plan to use this as my journal to vent my frustrations as well along this journey.

Today's weight:  212lbs
Starting weight:  222lbs
Last weeks weight:  210.2 (up 1.8)

Total weight loss to date:  10lbs

Goal:  52lbs (170lbs)

Just to put it into perspective. If I could lose 52lbs total this time around that would put my weight at 170lbs.  That would be 100lbs lost since the day I had Kaelin.  100lbs!!!!  How amazing would that be!  So 42 more lbs to go! Let's do this. 

These are my pictures from last years weight loss journey and I plan to take more this time around. 

  November 2010: 250lbs (Down 20lbs post partum) 

March:  2011  225lbs

May 2011:  210lbs  Approx where I am right now.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Weekly weigh- in: 210.8

Happy Friday!

I have been a little absent the last 2 weeks and for a good reason!  We went on vacation!  We went down the coast of Oregon to Seaside and the surrounding towns.  It was a very nice getaway but I'll save that for another post. 

I missed last weeks check in so I'm playing catch up today. 
I will admit that on vacation, I did not eat the greatest and of course did not go to a gym.  We did do some short hikes and I did take an hour long walk on the beach one morning, but despite that when I weighed myself Monday morning (4days ago) I was back up to 216.  Queue tears.  I know it was due to the way I ate on vacation, and of course PMS.  Sounds like an excuse but seriously a few days before my period, I totally bloat up and even look pregnant and puffy.  It's crazy.

I jumped right back in Monday and have been hitting the gym and making healthier choices. 
This morning I weighed in at 210.8. Whoohoo!  My original goal was 205 by 8/31.  Seeing as though that is a week away, that is pushing it.  I cannot lose that much weight in a healthy manner in one week.  The most important thing is that I am not giving up and the more and more I do this, the more and more it becomes a lifestyle not a 'diet'.  It helps that Kevin is doing it with me now.

That's all for now.  I hope you all have a great weekend and keep reminding yourself that the weight didn't come on in a week or even a month, so it's not going to come off that quick.  Just keep up the hard work everyone! 

Starting weight:  222lb
Today's weight:  210.8
Total weight loss:  11.2 lb

Friday, August 10, 2012

Weekly weigh-in: 212.4

Down another 1.8lbs! 
It has been a ridiculously challenging day today at home with our kids, so the weight update is about all your going to get.  I hope to get back on track with actually blogging about the kids/recipes/etc. Not just my weekly weigh ins. 

Anyway, have a great weekend!

Starting weight:  222
Today's weight: 212.4
Total weight loss:   9.6lbs

P.S.  I was pretty stoked today because I ran for 7 minutes  without stopping!  I know for some of you, it may not seem like much but at the end of June when I started this journey, I could not run for more than 30 seconds at a time without feeling like I was going to keel over and die.  So I'm pretty excited and on my way to a mile straight!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Weekly weigh-in: 214.2

Down 1.4lbs from last week.  I am happy to see the scale gradually go down.  Still my one major fault is weighing myself everyday.  I'm obsessed.  I know!  I almost need Kevin to take it away and hide for the week. 
I sucked it up this week and put the girls in childcare at the gym.  I made it to the gym 4 times since the last weigh in. 
It's been a super busy week at our house and I would have gone more to the gym but Kaelin has had a snotty nose for a while and I was informed by the gym childcare that they don't allow kids with snotty noses if the snot is green/yellow.  I understand where they are coming on but come on, kids have snotty noses. Kids pass germs.  Kaelin has been a snot bucket since she was born. In Kansas I don't there was more than 2 months total that she wasn't without a snotty nose because of allergies.  They (allergies) seem to have subsided once we moved and I honestly believe she just has a cold because of the climate changes and the fact that she is teething and her fingers are always in her mouth.  Also, I have been sneezing like crazy and I sometimes here Lauren sniffling but nothing to the extent of Kaelin's snot-fest.  There were a few days that it was super sticky/thick and greenish, so in case of an infection I got her into the doctor this morning.   I'm actually taking both girls for their well checks and a few issues that I have concerns with.  Anyway.  My beef with the gym child care is that I would never jeopardize the health of another family by sending my SICK child to their care.  In fact the lady told me they only had to wipe Kaelin's nose once in the 90 minutes that she was there.  I don't think that's too bad..but still green and that's a no no to them.  So my point is.  If she had a fever, or was throwing up etc.  I would do what any other daycare would say:  Keep her home for 24 hours until fever subsides.  But she doesn't have a stinking fever! 
Sorry for my rant but I just think the runny nose rule is dumb.  I have kept her home the last two days and probably throughout the weekend and we'll see what the doctor says today.  It'll be one of 3 things.  Common cold (most likely), sinus infection (possible because of thick/green consistency) or once again allergies. 
So snotty nose kid = me not getting to the gym the last 2 days.  Kevin's days have been very long (14 hours ) and by the time we have supper and clean up, I just don't feel like leaving in the evening.  I actually really enjoy go during the day and getting out of the house for a few hours.  It makes me really enjoy my evenings home with my family instead of despising them. 

How was your week ?  As a parent or some of your are teachers/caregivers...  Is the snotty nose rule a little overboard or do you think they are on the right track? 

Starting weight:  222
Current weight:  214.2
Total weight loss:  7.8 lbs

Goal:  205 by August 31st.  9.4lbs to go!  That's about 2.35lbs per week for the next 4 weeks. I can do it!!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Weekly weigh-in 220.6

Dun Dun Dun.....:)    It's that dreaded day!  Or is it??  It's the start of a new chapter and hopefully a lifelong change of a healthier lifestyle with the encouragement of friends and family!  I would like to check in once a week until our goals are met, and then after that, we'll figure out a check in/buddy system for maintenence/fitness etc. 

I started this journey almost 2 years ago.  I stepped on the scale the morning I had Kaelin and it read 270lbs.  When Kevin left for Iraq I was 255lb.  When I joined a gym in December 2010, I was at 251 lbs.  Kevin came home from Iraq in November 2011 and my weight was 196lbs.  That's almost 60lbs in the 12months of his deployment. 

After he was home and we were settling and re-adjusting, the scale would read 201, 204, 208, 215, 218 and where I have been stuck for the last few months at 222lbs. 

Last week I weighed in at 220lbs.  This week I am at 220.6.  A little over 1/2lb weight gain this week.  I made it to the gym only 3 days out of the last 7 and I plan on going again tonight. 

I went to a class called Club boxing circuit. OMG LOVE IT! or hate it too..but it was fun!  I've never been to a class where we actually get to put on gloves and punch and kick the crap out of the bag.  It was so exhilarating.  The part where she made us run back and forth in the gym and then only stop us to make us do jumping jacks? Yeah,that part totally sucked but it was at the beginning and we got it over with!  I've heard rumors she sometimes makes the class sometimes run the parking lot. Not looking forward to that! 

As far as healthy eats, it's been an on and off struggle. I have good days and bad days.  The first few weeks are brutal when reducing caloric intake. It feels like I'm starving!  I've tried to just make smaller/healthier meals and snack. Slowly and surely it's getting better. 

How was your week? 

Starting weight:  222
Today's weight:  220.6

Down 1.4lb

Monday, July 2, 2012

Here I go again...

Remember last year when I lost 50+lbs when Kevin was deployed.  70 total since Kaelin's birth??  Well I seem to have found 20+ back and well that's just not cool, folks.  It's of my own doing!  I'm the only one to blame.  For months I blamed it on Kevin coming home and eating out at his favorite places but it's not his fault at all.  It's only my own.  He didn't put the food in my mouth.  He didn't make me sit on the couch watching t.v. every evening.  He actually encouraged me to go to the gym. I just wasn't "feeling" it.  I would go strong for a week and then lose the groove.  He would tell me it was okay to go, but I somewhat felt guilty (and still do sometimes)  leaving him in the evenings to go to the gym.  I know I shouldn't but I do.  There are other days I am running out the door to get out of there.

I have tried at home workouts and just cannot get into them.  Paying for a gym membership gives that ooomph to get out the door and use the services that I am paying for. 

I haven't been extremely consistent since joining 3 weeks ago. So far I have taken a Zumba class ( zumba just not this particular class...will give it another shot)  ..  Body works plus Abs (ouch..good ouch) and Spin (love/hate and butt ouch the first few times) 

I want to get into a routine with the treadmill/elliptical.  I have tried the couch to 5k and I never make it past week 1.  I am going to try intervals on my own and go from there.  Small goals and my first one is to be able to run a mile without stopping.  Sounds small but I have only ran a mile once in my life in highschool...never since. At this point I can only run about 2 minutes before I need to walk. 

Weight wise:  I am going to make realistic goals. I know it took me months to put it on so it won't come off over night. My goals are 1-2lbs/week, and hoping for 15lb weight loss by August 31st.

To help me keep accountability I am linking up with Mrs. V @ Getting that Glow.   She has been working hard on her own goals and is doing fabulous. 
Weigh ins will be on Friday mornings.  I will be posting on my blog and then linking up in her comment section. 

If anyone is looking for some accountability for weight loss, fitness goals, or even just living a healthy lifestyle, let's all work together and encourage each other! 

Even if you don't have a blog, feel free to leave your goals/accomplishments/or needs for improvements in my comment section. 

Who's with me?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thank you!

Thanks so much to everyone for their praise and words of encouragement.  I need that encouragement for motivation and that is precisely why I decided to blog about it and hold myself accountable. 
For now though, I am beat.  I did my first Spin class.  Holy smokes is my butt sore.  They "conveniently" didn't mention that there was a box of seat cushions in the corner.  Also, all of the regulars had the fans pointing directly at themselves.  Fan Hogs!  I had sweat dripping off my nose, chin, eyelids, and even my elbows.  I was torn because my legs were so tired from the major resistance and climbing parts but my butt hurt when I sat back down.  I was told to give it a few more times.   I tried to sign up for a class on Saturday but it was already full.  I guess I'll have to try for another time next week.  I need a bigger water bottle too...just for that class. 

I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone for their kind words.  I'm so tired though, I'm gonna take my sore butt and jello legs to bed. Goodnight!