Friday, July 13, 2012

Weekly weigh in: 219 (ish)

So this week has been up and down. I didn't make it to the gym this week. Part laziness, busyness and injury/sickness.  I weighed myself throughout the week and it was up and down. Remember, last Friday I was at 220.6. Saturday morning I was at 216.6, then as the week went on, 221, 222, 219, 218.8 & then this morning 220.2. With the exception of a small snickers blizzard midweek, my eating has been healthy and within my daily caloric intake.  I just haven't been active.
I strained my hip on the treadmill. I think I just pushed too hard too fast.
Kevin has also been getting home late which makes it hard to get to the gym unless I eat supper without him and run out the door within 30 min of him getting home.
Hoping to find more of a balance this week and see the scale go down down down.

How was your week??

PS...just went to the bathroom and weighed again and the scale read 219.  I must be having some major water retention considering Aunt Flow should arrive in a day or 2. 



I was 233.0 this morning. I did okay with eating healthy and exercising. I exercised 4 days this week. As for eating, we had dinner with friends 3 times this week, but I did pretty alright despite that. There is room for improvement, though! However, I am glad that I was down a pound.


Awesome job! Annette! A pound is a pound. When I get down because it's just "a pound" I try to put it into perspective. That's 4 sticks of butter you just shed from your body! :)


Who told you that little secret on the butter??? BTW maybe you are preggars again??? I hope!


100% not pregnant. Care to to be named "Anonymous" ??


Okay, when you put it in the perspective of 4 stick of butter, then a pound sounds pretty good! Thanks, Kristen!!! :)