Miss Kaelin turned 6 months old on March 13th. It's clear that I am a few weeks behind. It was my intentions to be a few weeks behind. See on Monday she finally had her 6 month well check. We've been a bit behind on our check ups since the move and we are finally all caught up. I didn't want to post her 6 month blog post with out any stats or adorable pictures. That reminds me, we had our pictures taken on Sunday by Laura of Laura Elliott Photography. They are so good! I couldn't be happier! They session was a little hectic because of my crazy, sometimes defiant toddler, but I am very pleased with the outcome.
Because this is Kaelin's post, I will just post of few of her from the session with more to come of all of us soon!!
Kaelin Deborah
6.5 month Stats
Weight: 18lbs 7oz
Height: 28 inches (tall girl)
Head- don't remember! sorry!
Kaelin can now sit up very well and is so close to crawling. I think within the next month or so we'll have a very mobile little girl.
She finally stopped spitting up for the most part. I guess the doctor was right when he said she'd grow out of it. 6 months old, it's about time. Occasionally we still may have a tiny bit, but hey, I won't complain considering there were days of 7 outfits changes.
Kaelin does not have any teeth yet. I'm hoping she'll wait to get her teeth once her sister is done getting hers. I don't think that will be my luck. Kaelin's entire shirt was soaked with drool this evening...teething? Probably so. Ugh.
Kaelin is super vocal, especially when she is hungry. I'd have to say that she is a bit more whiney than Lauren ever was. It's so true when they say "no two babies are the same." She is a mamma's girl..that's for sure. It's kind of nice since my 19month old doesn't want much to do with me some days.
Enjoy the next few pictures of my Kbug! We love you, sweet Kaelin!! xoxoxo
Hello world!
1 year ago
She is SUCH a cutie! :)
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