Thursday, July 29, 2010

11 months

I can't believe my sweet baby girl is already 11 months.  I can't believe that in less than a month, she will be one.  I can't believe that she will not be my baby anymore in 6-7 weeks! 
Lauren Grace has been such a joy for us.  She is constantly growing and changing.  Everyday she makes new sounds.  Her new favorite thing is to point at things and say "what's that?"  She now knows what the light is, the fan, and mommy and daddy if we ask her where they are.  She loves to play peek a boo too!  She is becoming more and more independent everyday.  She is eating several solid meals a day.  Majority of the time she swats the spoon away from her mouth, as she'd rather do things herself. 
We have had a blast with her learning and growing this month.  We can't wait to see how she develops even more as time goes on.
On Sunday, Lauren and I went to the park while Kevin went golfing.  We decided to take her one year pictures to be sent out in her birthday announcement.  Between the 2 ducks and a goose that ambushed us, it was quite the time!  I did manage to get some super cute pictures of her with the ducks.  Not what I had planned at all, but definately worth it in the end!

and this was the picture taken right as the crazy goose honked at us and began to come closer.  Lauren was a little starlted!

One of Lauren's Milestones this month is that she can now stand on her own.  She has attempted to take a few steps here and there on her own, but they didn't have very happy endings.  She fell on her face both times.  It will be any day now that she is running around our house.