So I am way behind on updating. Not by choice but because of a GB limit per month through our Verizonwireless internet. SOooo...uploading pictures towards the end of the month was not an option.
Well let see if I can remember everything I need to blog about!
On October 28th Lauren was 2 MONTHS OLD!!! She has just been so much fun. She had her check up and is a healthy BIG girl!
Lauren's stat's
Weight: 12lbs 10oz ( 92 percentile )
Height: 24 1/2 inches ( 97 percentile )
Her nurse just could not believe the since birth she had gained 4lbs 15oz and grew 4 1/2 just 2 months!!
We have had a few milestones of Lauren sleeping through the night. One stretch of 7 hours and one of 8 1/2 hours. The long nights are not consistent yet but they are getting there. Usually she sleeps 4-5 hours through the night without eating sometimes for 6-7hour stretches in the night. She is such a good baby though. We enjoy her smiles and sounds even if it is 3am!
Lauren also celebrated her first Halloween. We didn't do anything too wild and crazy. We honestly didn't think at 2 months old we needed to take her out "Trick or Treating" or spend $20 on a costume that would be too big and she would only wear this one time. On a tight budget, a halloween costume was just not at the top of our priority. Nonetheless she was a cute little one in a pumpkin outfit that my mom had snagged at a garage sale.
We were able to show off her cuteness at her cousin Valerie, Elizabeth, and Elianna's piano and violin recital! All of the little girls just loved her! The girls did great with their recital pieces and Lauren was so good throughout the entire recital. She slept for about 90% of it but when she was awake she didn't make a peep! She must really have a love for music because of all of the music her daddy played for her while she was in mommy's belly.
And now on a completely different note...I am back to work 4 days a week and it's going really well. It's nice that we only live a few blocks away from my work so I am able to go home on my lunches to see Kevin & Lauren. I just love that Kevin is home with her and I love our little family. I feel like we are all getting to spend so much valuable time together :)
As some of you may or may not know, Kevin has decided to re enlist in active duty Army. This has been something he has wanted to do for quite some time now. It is a decision that we made as a family. Many have asked "are you okay with that decision? and are you sure you want him to re enlist?" and my answer is YES. Yes, I am okay with this decision and I am sure I want him to re enlist. This is something that is very important to him and I think it takes a certain, strong, confident man to know that for his career he wants to serve this country and protect others. So please keep Kevin in your prayers this month. He has to go for a physical soon and then by the end of the month or early December we should know where our next adventure will lead us to.
I am actually quite excited for this move. I am looking forward to staying home with Lauren more often and really working and mastering my love for photography. Now that I have my own little model, I can really work at it!!
Well I believe I have wrote enough for this post. I will try to update more often. I should have some good pictures after this weekend. Kevin, Lauren and I are heading to Eau Claire, WI to meet up with Grandma Deb, Grandpa Jeff, Aunt Kara and Uncle Jordan. Cousin Ashleigh is also joining us and has offered to be our backseat babysitter! We are so excited to see everyone :)
Hello world!
11 months ago
She is such a cutie!
I am so excited for your life changes!! Wouldn't it be awesome if we were stationed together? It's possible since we are always stationed with the Army :)
Lauren is such a cutie!! I love seeing her pictures!
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