Tuesday, July 28, 2009

36 weeks

Not much to report today. The Dr. gave me the all clear at my 35 week appt. and didn't think I needed to be seen again until 37 weeks, so right now we are just playing the waiting game. I am feeling pretty good. Just waddling and tired most days. Kevin is at Camp Ripley for a few more days, and has the camera with him, so this week you should all be so privileged to see a self portrait!! We have been so blessed lately with a special delivery of some great gifts from family and friends. I can't wait to post pictures of them when I have the camera back!

How far along? 36 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 26 gained
Maternity clothes? of course
Stretch marks? yes. I found a few new ones today!
Sleep: great when I get it! Some nights I can sleep an only wake up once to go to the bathroom, other nights I can sleep and wake up within a few hours and be wide awake!!
Best moment this week: making my first chocolate cake and frosting from scratch... pregnancy best moment would probably have to be the look on cousin Tyler's face when he saw my belly jump! It was priceless.
Movement: oh yeah.....
Food cravings: not really..kinda got past the eating hot wings 24/7. I just like to eat in general now :)
Gender: Girl.. I made them double check at my 35 week ultrasound :)
Labor Signs: I have been going to the bathroom quite a bit lately...possibly my body cleaning itself out?? I have no idea. I am not having contractions if thats what you want to know. I have had a few cramps that are very short in duration and several hours apart. Nothing too unbearable...just enough to make me stop what I'm doing and say "ouch!"

Belly Button in or out? both...more flat than anything. Occasionally it sticks out, but not really an "outie" yet.
What I miss: Right now I miss Kevin
What I am looking forward to: Picking Kevin up on Saturday :)
Weekly Wisdom: No matter how bad things seem, remember and be thankful for all of the blessings you have been given and try not to get wrapped up in a pity party.


♥ Craig & Jessica ♥

Praying for you! It is fun to hear your updates! I will pray that you sleep well tonight!


My belly button never stuck out :( It was pretty much flat by the end of the pregnancy.
I love that you've only gained 26 pounds! I gained 45 with Cara!!!! I only gained 18 with Alex, but I did get pregnant with him 4 months after having Cara, so I still had her pregnancy weight.
I love your upbeat attitude. I remember having to pick myself up so many times near the end.
You rock!!


It is so easy to be dramatic during pregnancy, at least that is what I found out. Great job with your 'no pity party' attitude. It will help you so much as a mom.
Blessings, **P**