Thursday, May 14, 2009

25 weeks

Alright so this picture is from Saturday before the game..but it's close enough! I had my 25 week check up yesterday. Dr. still said I was measuring large. She things it is do to the mild previa (placenta sits under the baby instead of next to the baby, therefore pushing the baby into my ribs!) NOT FUN! We are having another ultrasound on June 11 to check the position of the placenta and to most likely find out the sex because I am too anxious and I want to know right now!!! I had my glucose test yesterday :S. The taste wasn't that bad, it just tasted like Orange crush with about 10 extra teaspoons of sugar in it!! It was almost like I had a sugar rush at first and seemed jittery and then that afternoon at work I crashed! The afternoon, although short and sweet seemed like it was never-ending. I was so thankful that Kevin decided to make me dinner after my long day! He is such a sweetheart. His new favorite thing is his love for Bobby Flay and grilling. My parents gave us a few of Bobby's cook books for our wedding and Kevin just loves them. So far we have tried 3 of his recipes and they have all been fabulous!
Last night he made us, Grilled ribeye steak with cilantro-garlic butter, green beans and texas toast! It was so delicious!
Did I mention how much I love this man??! He just did dishes and is now making us milkshakes! He is the best!



I love Bobby Flay! You meal sounded (and looked) fabulous. You are looking fabulous, too. If you find out the sex of the baby, are you going to share with everyone else??? I super hope so!

The Ericksons

Make sure you make a steak for me next time!

♥ Craig & Jessica ♥

We LOVE Bobby Flay!!! You are so lucky!! I can't wait to hear how your ultrasound goes!!